Start-up Story With Cassandra Quick

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Meet Lady Boss, Cassandra Quick!

Meet Lady Boss, Cassandra Quick! Cassandra is the proud owner and founder of BeYoutiful Transformations and Illuminate Counseling. She’s a Holistic Psychotherapist, Nationally Certified Counselor, Trauma Transformation Coach, Certified Life Coach, Certified Mindfulness practitioner, and she’s Certified in Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavior Therapy. Cassandra has worked hard and her hard work shows.

With all of Cassandra’s expertise, what do you think made her want to leave it all behind? She had a stable job, a paycheck, and was supporting herself. Even though her career was successful and life was going good, Cassandra had a bigger dream.

About six years ago, Cassandra wondered what life would be like as a life coach. “Could I do it? Could I really do it?”, she asked herself. As time moved forward, she really wanted to own her own business. Sadly, the limitations in traditional mental health facilities were preventing her from serving clients to her fullest capacity. The idea of becoming a coach gave her more flexibility without all the red tape. Cassandra noticed a lot of success helping women and was able to follow a system to help these women change and transform their lives, which was the basis for her Illuminate Blueprint for healing after trauma and divorce.

After realizing the tremendous amount of value, she was able to provide women, Cassandra wanted to break free of the confines of her career. She wanted to be present with her family and have a greater potential for income. The flexibility of becoming a life coach gave her the ability to earn what she’s worth and offer her clients more while not being bound by the traditional bi-weekly paycheck.

Cassandra was working full-time as a psychotherapist in a hospital system when she decided that she needed to start transitioning to becoming a full-time coach. Three years ago, Cassandra made a big decision. She started to gradually reduced hours at the hospital. Cassandra used the remainder of her time for building a business. Not just any business, her dream business, BeYoutiful Transformations, a Life coaching agency focused on helping Moms who’ve experienced trauma.

Lady boss coach: “When did you know you could quit her day job and be her own boss full time?”

Cassandra: “This was a significant moment for me.” “It was really a leap of faith.”

Cassandra had plateaued in her business as life coach and couldn’t keep focusing on her job at the hospital. She made a life changing decision. She decided to stop doing what made her unfulfilled and to pursue her full time business ownership dreams. She put in her notice at the hospital system that she was quitting. It took a huge leap of faith and for a while, Cassandra didn’t know if she could do it. There were doubts. The timing for her was stressful with the pandemic starting two weeks after she gave her notice. With her personal life getting in the way, her daughter preparing for college, Cassandra worried. But she stood her ground, worked her A** off and is proud of her journey and accomplishments!

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The good, the bad, and the ugly.

What’s good? Cassandra’s stress level is lower compared to her previous career. She is able to stand in power. Being her own boss allows Cassandra to do things she couldn’t do before and she now has the choice of how she spends her time and where she focuses her energy.

What’s bad? The day can get away from Cassandra quickly. Without setting specific goals and a schedule, she finds her-self doing a lot of busy work that doesn’t generate revenue. Cassandra recently hired two assistants to do a lot of the business work, and focuses her days on generating revenue for the business. Although her time management skills are a work in progress, Cassandra is making the right decision to bring in help and work towards a better task-oriented schedule.

What advice does Cassandra have for entrepreneurs? “Always prioritize your day. Start your day 100% focused on YOU.” Cassandra starts her day going to the gym, meditating and journaling. This sets her up for an energetically positive work day. Cassandra tells entrepreneurs to focus on their “zone of genius.” “Don’t dilute your message, focus on it, don’t focus elsewhere.” Her zone of genius…her group coaching program, The Ascension Circle.

So what’s next for BeYoutiful Transformations? Cassandra is offering a no-cost Holistic Mental Health Summit for Mom’s. Please check it out here.

Cassandra is also focusing on group coaching and courses that are available in the Thrive After Trauma Membership Tribe, which provides a massive amount of support for only $27 per month. That includes group coaching monthly with her and access to her suite of classes and bonuses here.



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Start-Up Story